
Sunday, May 8, 2011

New Simply Betty Images ~ London Preview

Happy Mothers Day everyone! Im currently being spoiled by my wonderful boys....I have a FULL pancake stuffed tummy and a coffee and so thought I'd post my LATE card. I was also at another FUN weekend crop with my girls yesterday and got home SO late and so no post.... But good things come to those who wait right? And THIS is my new FAVORITE Simply Betty Image! I LOVE this girl!!! And well.... can you tell why??
Heheeee... can you see why I love her?!?! I think she should be called Cheri... I mean the Cat...the long curly hair... ok so I've got some poundage on this gal...but still.... in my head, THIS is what I look like! LOL Anyhow... LOVE her. My papers are all by MME. Anyhow, we'll be previewing these cuties all week! So stay tuned!


  1. Beautiful card! Love the image, so girly! Sorry I missed you at the crop this weekend, glad to hear you have fun!

  2. Wonderful card and it looks just like you all that beautiful hair and all. Take Care

  3. Man that coloring is amazing. I really like the kitty brad.

  4. Absolutely luv how you colored her hair and I still can't believe that's only 2 colors. And I think she's you too - the hair is OMG SOOOO your hair!! Luv that sentiment!! Hugs!!

  5. WOW love it cheri!! I have to ask what colors did you use on the hair? The card is beautiful and she looks just like you! It looks to me like you have a JR kitty in your arms!! :)

  6. I can see why she's your fave image- so cute and so YOU! Love it! Her hair looks just amazing and I love how long her kitties tail is ;) Fab card!


Thank you SO much for taking the time to comment. I love each and every word. Hugs Cheri.