
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Life Book 2015 ~ Beacon of Light

OK.. sorry for the multiple posts in one day! I would have posted the two together but I really wanted to separate them or else the post would have been huge! This was our first official lesson/project/page for our life book. WOW! Is all I have to say... SO freaking glad I joined this, I can feel the creativity and inspiration swirling around in my heart and head (its really bad for the insomnia issues but GREAT for my emotional being)!! This lesson really surprised me... Tamara LaPorte taught us this concept, to create a *Beacon of Light* to guide us thru and light up our creative path this year. When I started to see all the other lifers *Beacons* I admired them but wasn't sure if it was my style...should I do exactly as she has? How much do I let my own style introduce itself? Will they get along... I really over think stuff!! Seriously! (that really comes into the story of this peace later.... ) I did decide pretty early on that I was not going to use the same colour scheme... I am just not a fan of yellow or gold so I knew I didn't want this creation to be golden, in my universe, *the light* is white or silvery. And then of course you all know my love of all things PINK! and Cats!!! I did follow the lesson pretty close with just changing the colour to my true self... and as I drew, everything just kind of came to me and flowed onto the paper without me hardly thinking. here she is and I'll talk about some of what she means to me below...

Ok... so there is so much in here that has significance for me. obviously the colour! plus my I truly beleive I always have an angel (my grandmother) as well as a spirit guide (a cat). The cat is really a special icon for me and I will almost always find a way to include a cat in my works. This cat friend I have drawn here also holds a pencil in his tail, an important part of who I am. And if you look closely, the arms are covered in Hearts... cause I wear my heart on my sleeve where everyone can see. In my other hand, I hold a coffee mug... I always want more coffee!!!!

The bubbles came to me in my meditation we did to kick start our creative process, they remind me of a nice hot bath, washing off the pain of the last few years so I'm starting off on a fresh, clean start!

OK... so the tiara is just to make me smile... of course I love all things sparkly... and my sweet boys treat me like a princess. I try to not behave like one TOO much. :) OK... That is prolly enough chatter for today. Thank you so much for visiting!!! I can't wait to see what tomorrows project will be!!
See you really soon!!

1 comment:

  1. It's a great piece, I love all the significance you've included, plus it just looks fabulous! Love her eyes too :)


Thank you SO much for taking the time to comment. I love each and every word. Hugs Cheri.