Thursday, August 4, 2011

Joining in on the Photo Challenge

Sooooo.... I love my camera... and I LOVE to take pictures. It's something I wish I knew more about and Im trying to "self teach" myself more on..... but I seem to go thru phases where I forget about my costly camera for anything other than taking pictures of my cards.... bad bad bad Graphicat! LOL Anyhow....over at Oh So Lovely she has a 30 Day photo contest going and well Im jumpin on board! now in TRUE Cheri fashion, Im 4 days late to the party...and Ive even missed today's posting deadline! LOL But I will catch up and I will get at least ONE entered into the links... LOL Anyhow..... today's challenge was FAVORITE COLOUR!!!!
LMAO....OK>..really.... Im sure none of you NEED A photo to SHOW you my favorite colour...but you're gonna see it anyhow! :oP
Just a few things I had layin about.... LOL And cause I can never take just ONE photo...specially when it's of something the colour PINK! here's a couple more of my pretty pink petunias....

See yas tomorrow!!!!


Creative Tara said...

Yay for Pink! I'm didn't even think about entering links for their challenge blog... maybe we'll both get there on day 7 or something? LOL. My eyes are completely drawn to your new BUSINESS CARDS! They look great- hope you'll bring me some to see in person (and put out in the store...). YAY!

Sarah said...

Those petunias are gorgeous! You took some fabulous pictures of them! I totally know what you mean about the lack of use of the big expensive camera! I got one a few years ago so that I could teach myself all about aperature and shutter speeds and all that fun stuff...I still know only what I took in a course before I even got my fancy DSLR! figures ;) Love the business cards too!

Roxy said...

I'm behind on day 26 or something of my JUNE photo challenge, so how's that for being behind? I'm really stuck on my favorite color, for some reason, so now you've inspired me to finish it off! Thanks!